Forms & Fees

This page contains the necessary forms and applications needed to apply for various permits and licenses. These documents will also contain important information and the fees associated with each permit and license.

During specific and council driven dates some of these forms will be updated and fees will change. Please refer to this page often.

Permits and Fee Schedules

Administrative Fees

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Fire Protection

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Licenses & Permits Transmittal Form

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Commercial Building Permits

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For all Commercial and Mixed Use Building Permits, please note: Electronic Submission is Required.

Residential Building Permits

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For all Residential Building Permits, please note: Electronic Submission Is Required.

Health Department Well & Septic Permit Fees

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Online Computer Registration Form

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Pet Licensing

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All dog and cat owners must purchase Howard County annual licenses for their pets. Each pet shall wear the license tag attached to a collar or harness. Pets properly tattooed, microchipped or ear tagged are exempt from the requirement of wearing the license tag, but the purchase of a license is still required.


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Sign Permits

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Grading Permits

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Electrical Permits & Licensing

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Rental Housing Licensing

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Taxi Rate Schedule

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Mobile Home Licensing

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Pawn Broker Licensing

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Shooting Range Permits

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Copyright 2023 by Howard County, Maryland